Cladding Installation Guide
Message to builder and painter
Project Designs Pergola 3.0x6.0x2.7 N2
Design Guide 4 - building in bushfire prone areas
Design Guide 5 - timber service life and durability
TABMA - Installation of Panelling
Eaves lining Installation guide
Project Designs Pergola 3.0x3.0x2.7 N2
Project Designs Pergola 6.0x6.0x2.7 N2
Project Designs Pergola 4.2x6.0x2.7 N2
Technical Information
Resin Bleed Rectification
Identifiable board markings
Timber External Cladding information
Understanding the adhesives used in manufacture
Design Pine Profile Data Sheets
Design Pine Pack Sizes
Design Pine Guarantee
Design Pine Limitations
Design Pine Safety Data Sheet
Specification Details - a cheat sheet for builders
Ideal Colours for Painting Design Pine